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12.02.2005, 13:21
Fährt jemand zur Mille Miglia vom 19. bis 22. Mai?

Hier ein paar Infos von der Homepage (http://www.millemiglia.it/):
"Thursday 19th May, check-in and start at 8 p.m. for the first lap Brescia-Ferrara;
Friday 20th May, second lap, Ferrara-Rome;
Saturday 21st May, third lap, Rome-Brescia;
Sunday 22nd May, in Brescia, the prize giving.


The first lap will take off from Viale Venezia, in Brescia, on Thursday 19th May. The cars will tour through the city center, head for Verona and Ostiglia and finally close the first day?s race with the joyful and welcome arrival in Ferrara.
The following day, Friday 20th May, the Mille Miglia will leave Ferrara and make for the Adriatic coast. The convoy will pass through Ravenna first, and then move inland towards Gambettola and the Republic of San Marino. From there, the cars will begin the crossing of the Apennines, pass through Urbino and cruise along the breathtaking Furlo Gorge and through Osteria del Gatto. Then, southwards again, touching the small towns of Spoleto and Leonessa, and climbing up Mount Terminillo.
The Capital will be reached via Rieti and Monterotondo Scalo. On making their entry into the very heart of Rome, all the competitors ? not only the foreign ones ? will be given the extraordinary opportunity to admire the ?Eternal City? at close quarters.
On Saturday 21st May in the morning, the cars will leave Rome for the third and final lap, on the traditional route along the Via Cassia towards Ronciglione, Vico Lake, Viterbo, and Radicofani. Past the small towns of Pienza, San Quirico and Buonconvento, one of the most thrilling moments of the whole Mille Miglia will be experienced: the passage amidst the cheery crowd in the Piazza del Campo in Siena.
A most famous road in the Tuscan countryside will frame the route, via Poggibonsi, as far as Florence, maybe the city the competitors of the Mille Miglia love best and the hometown of Clemente Biondetti, four-time winner of the race, while a few kilometers further, on the Futa and Raticosa Passes, the most faithful enthusiasts will be eagerly waiting for the Red Arrow, all gathered in clusters on the exacting hairpin bends that belong so far to the legend of the Mille Miglia.
Just past Bologna, the meandering Apennine route will turn into a long straight road, the Via Emilia, along which the cars will speed towards Modena, where the last difficult series of Time Trials will settle the final results. From there, they will proceed towards Carpi, Brescello, Viadana and Casalmaggiore.
The long straight stretches across the Plain of the Po will lead the Mille Miglia convoy into Cremona, where the competitors will be given the usual warm welcome.
The cars will make their final parade along the Quinzanese main road before their long-awaited arrival in Brescia.
Once again, it?s a real joy for the organizers to offer the entire world what has become so far a much longed-for and long-standing invitation: for the fiftieth time since 1927, the rendezvous is on Thursday, 19th May 2005 in the Piazza della Vittoria in Brescia, the City of the Mille Miglia."

12.02.2005, 13:51
Hatte auch schon das Vergnügen, die "Mille" live und vor Ort zu erleben - sehr zu empfehlen (vor allem bei schönem Wetter :D ) !

Und wenn man im selben Hotel abgestiegen ist wie die "Bentley-Boys", braucht man morgens nicht mal nen Wecker, die übernehmen den "Weckpart" gerne mit dem Warmlaufenlassen ihrer Motoren... ;)

12.02.2005, 14:13

16.02.2005, 14:28
Hi Rolexfans,

ich bin dieses Jahr auch wieder da, ist echt geil, schau mir aber nur den Start an.

Viele Grüße


:) :) :)

17.02.2005, 11:08

kann mir einer von euch sagen, wann die Wagen so in etwa im Ziel "Brescia" eintreffen?

Ich bekomme eine Reise dort hin zum Geburtstag geschenkt :D



ehemaliges mitglied
17.02.2005, 14:25
und du möchtest jetzt wissen wann du geburtstag hast ?

17.02.2005, 14:26

17.02.2005, 15:26
Original von Jörgkann mir einer von euch sagen, wann die Wagen so in etwa im Ziel "Brescia" eintreffen?
Steht doch oben, oder willst du's noch genauer?

Saturday 21st May, third lap, Rome-Brescia;
Sunday 22nd May, in Brescia, the prize giving.

17.02.2005, 16:59
Original von Controller
und du möchtest jetzt wissen wann du geburtstag hast ?
:D :D :D :D Der war gut! :))

Original von siebensieben
Steht doch oben, oder willst du's noch genauer?

Vielleicht kann Jörg kein Englisch? Oder er hatte keine Lust, es wieder auszupacken, weil es zu anstrengend ist. :D

SCNR, Jörg. ;)

18.02.2005, 10:06

nee hatte keine Lust den Text zu lesen :D

Aber ich weiß es jetzt...


Schönes Wochenende
