Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Die Hillary Rolex collection geht wieder züruck nach NZ!

15.06.2011, 16:39
Entschuldige mich für den englishen Text :D;)

Today I went to Geneva to collect all the Hillary Rolex at Antiquorum. Most of you remember the hectic around Sir Edmund Hillary's watch collection came up for sale last year. Lady June ( second wife & widow of Sir Ed ) decided to offer all the
watches her late husband got from Rolex over the years. Only problem was that
she was not allowed to offer them for sale as Peter Hillary & his sister Sara
where officially the owner of this collection. So the Auction was stopped by a
court junction and NZ Minister of Culture declaired that these watches where of
Heritage value for the NZ people and could not been sold / leave the NZ country.

Now some 6 months later, Hillary's collection was still in AQ's vault. Today we finally reached a agreement in sorting out the lost AQ claimed they had by not auctioning the Hillary collection. I had a long debate with Evan & Julien that started when I was in Geneva last time, with Peter Hillary & Jamling Tenzing Norgay for our HTE project. Serveral meetings finally made it happen that today the whole collection is free again to travell back to NZ where the historical Rolex Bosecks will be displayed soon in the Auckland museum that has a permanent exhibition on Sir Edmund Hillary. So I'm extremly happy I could help & it all worked out at the end and very gratefull to a close friend of mine that helped the Hillary family so good! as otherwise I would not got able to share this wonderfull news with you. Many thanks to everybody at AQ in understanding the situation.

Here some quick scans I just made in the sun after collecting them all that I like to share with you ;-)












All the best & many thanks to those that helped us
as i'm really happy deep passion made it happen ;-)

Regards Philipp

15.06.2011, 16:50
Danke für die Info ! Legendär das Ganze !!! :gut:

15.06.2011, 18:57
Toll zu lesen das deine Mission ein Erfolg war!
Ich freue mich so für dich Philipp! :dr:

15.06.2011, 19:03
herrliche Uhren :verneig:

15.06.2011, 22:46
Danke für diesen interessanten Bericht:gut:

17.06.2011, 00:58
Danke EUCH :gut::gut::gut:


17.06.2011, 06:22
Danke fuer das Update. Schoene Entwicklung und wirklich klasse Uhren. :gut::gut: