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16.10.2015, 13:08
Die wichtigste Rolex die jemals gemacht wurde in Genf!!..


The first Rolex DeepSea Special prototypes where made between 1953 and the final deepest dive of Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh in 1960. Each time Rolex improved the design to withstand the extreme pressure at 10.908 meter below surface. To honor this incredible achievement Rolex made some marketing display models and send them around the world. We always wondered which exact number was used during the legendary 1960 descent to the deepest place on earth, the Mariana Trench. Find below my intensive research of which I conclude that the one attached to the outside of the submariner in successful 1960 dive was:


The DeepSea Special with engraved caseback No 3, on display at the Smithsonian Institute (SI) in Washington, actually went down with Jacques Piccard and Lt. Don Walsh to the deepest dive on world 23 January 1960 their Submariner Trieste reached 10,916 meters floor of Mariana Trench. Here you find an exclusive front picture Kathy Golden from SI arranged specially for me.


Photo credits: the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History, photographer, Hugh Talman.

Then finally we found proof, together with the help of Lt. Don Walsh he showed me this below Press Release of the "United States Information Service" dated September 13th, 1960. In this paper it's been stated that the White Rolex Deep Sea Special presented by Rolex Geneva to Smithsonian Institute in Washington actually went down 7 miles with Piccard & Lt. Walsh, attached to the outside of the Trieste bathyscaphe.

Quote: "A Rolex spokesman said knowledge gained in it's construction will be invaluable in helping future challenges in the field of time keeping mechanism " !!


Then I finally found the last piece of the puzzle in the Deep Sea Saga of which number of DSS precisely went down when I received email from the Curator of Maritime History, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. The billion dollar question was obvious so I asked Mr. Paul F. Johnston, which number had been engraved on the case back of their White dialed Deep Sea Special Proto type presented to them by Rolex in 1960. Below is their official statement; the "Rolex Oyster - No 3 -Deep Sea Special" is the REAL deal!

"Dear Mr. Stahl,

The engraving on the back of our Rolex:


I'd be grateful for any information you could provide as to the significance of this, and how it fits into the bigger picture of deep sea Rolex watches.

Best wishes,

Paul F. Johnston, Ph.D. Curator of Maritime History, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. "

And now finally, after waiting patiently for 3 years, I just receiving the pictures, which I'm allowed to show you exclusively. So here it is, the backside of the most legendary Rolex!!..


Photo credits: the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History, photographer, Hugh Talman.

Find below my intensive DeepSea Special models research that Rolex made in Geneva:

We Rolex lovers all know about the exceptional story of the extraordinair Rolex Deep Sea Special, Jacques Piccard & Lt. Don Walsh, Trieste, Challenger Deep, Deepest Dive in 1960 and the latest James Cameron dive to deepest place on earth with a new Rolex DeepSea Challenger attached to the his submariner.

I want to explain the difference between the early, prototype Rolex DeepSea Special Geneva started to develop from 1953 and the later after 1960 by Rolex made a fully engraved Display Version of the DeepSea Special for marketing use by producing a much larger batch and sending it out to their worldwide offices to impress their clients. With their first mayor test on November 30, 1953 a Rolex DSS was attached to the exterior of the Trieste depth craft submariner, which reached a world-record depth of 3150 meters which is 10.245 feet or 2 miles down. This was achieved of the coast of Ponza Island. After surfacing the watch was carefully inspected and was intact and functioning properly. Find below the official Rolex information from their experiences during testing...

Read all about it over here:

-> http://rolexpassionreport.com/5950/the-rolex-deep-sea-special-first-dss-prototypes-made-between-1953-and-the-final-deepest-dive-of-piccard-and-walsh-in-1960-and-the-later-dss-display/

Vielen Dank:gut::gut:


16.10.2015, 13:17
Wunderschöne Info's! :verneig:
Vielen Dank fürs Einstellen! :gut:

16.10.2015, 14:08

16.10.2015, 14:23
Sehr cool! :gut: Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen!

16.10.2015, 15:11

16.10.2015, 16:47
Cool - Danke mein Freund :gut:

17.10.2015, 07:35
Besten Dank fürs Zeigen :gut:

ehemaliges mitglied
17.10.2015, 08:03
Das sind wahre Meilensteine!
Da können unsere Massenwecker nicht mithalten:verneig:
Dennoch möchte ich die No 3 nicht am Arm tragen müssen:bgdev:

Danke, Philipp, für's Recherchieren und Zeigen:gut:

was ich auch interessant finde, das Band ist Bicolour? Das ist doch aber kein Gold?