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Dear sir,
As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for
me, because, I believe everyone will die someday.
My name is AHMED .L. TIJANI a merchant in Dubai, in the
U.A.E.I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer .
It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and
right now
I have only about a few months to live, according to
medical experts.
I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I
never really cared for anyone(not even myself)but my
business. Though I am very rich, I was never
generous, I was always hostile to people and only
focused on my business as that was the only thing I
cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know
that there is more to life than just wanting to have
or make all the money in the world.
I believe when God gives me a second chance to come
to this world I would live my life a different way
from how I have lived it. Now that God has called
me, I have willed and given most of my property
and assets to my immediate and extended family
members as well as a few close friends.
I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul
so, I have decided to give alms to charity
organizations, as I want this to be one of the last
good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed
money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E,
Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my health has
deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself
anymore. I once asked members of my family to close
one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have
there to charity organization in Bulgaria and
Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to
themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as
they seem not to be contended with what I have left
for them.
The last of my money which no one knows of is the
huge cash deposit of eighteen million dollars
$18,000,000,00 that I have with a finance/Security
Company abroad. I will want you to help me collect this
deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations.
I have set aside 10% for you and for your time.
God be with you.
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( Nääää - watt iss datt traurisch ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
Aber bei 10% ......................hält sie sich in Grenzen :D
Und Percy??? Hast du die 1,8 Mio US$ schon bekommen??? :D
Checke jede Minute den Kontostand...
erinnert mich sehr an die "Nigeria Connection"... ;-)))
08.05.2004, 22:14
Original von zmozmo
erinnert mich sehr an die "Nigeria Connection"... ;-)))
Bei den Jungs konnte man aber statt läppischer 1,8 Mio stolze 6 Mios verdienen.
Union Bank Of Nig. Plc
Union House Marina
Lagos State
Dear Sir,
I sincerely write to seek your co-operation and trust
to enable my colleagues and I carry out an urgent
business opportunity in my department. I work with the
Union Bank of Nigeria PLC, currently I am the senior
manager of bills and exchange at the foreign
remittance department of my bank. I was the account
officer to one Mr. Ali B. Ashraf who died along with
his family on the 8th of November 1996 in an ADC
Boeing 727 plane crash at Egirin River. All 141
passengers on board were feared dead.
He left in his domiciliary account the total sum of
Thirty One Million United States Dollars [$31million] . Since the
management got the information of his
death we have been expecting any of his relation or
his next of kin to come up and claim his money.
Unfortunately from the day of his death till the time
of this letter none of his relation or friends has
come up for the claim. The banking and financial law
of Union bank of Nigeria Plc stipulates that if such
fund remained unclaimed after a period of seven years.(7yrs) it
will be transferred into the bank treasury as
unclaimed bill. On this discovery sir, I and two other
senior staffs now decided to do business with you and
release the money to you as the next of kin to Ali B.
Ashraf for safety and subsequent disbursement.
I will soon proceed for my retirement leave this year, and I
personally do not want this fund to be transferred
into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill. That is why
I wanted the fund to be moved out of the bank before I
proceed on my retirement from the banking services by
October 15th 2003.
The need for a foreigner as next of kin in this
project is occasioned by the fact that the customer
Mr. Ali Ashraf was a foreigner and a Nigerian cannot
stand as his next of kin or heir. We have agreed that
20% of the Fund would be for you as foreign partner;
thereafter my colleague and I will visit your country
for disbursement according to the percentages
To enable the immediate transfer of the
fund into your nominated account, you will first apply
to the bank as the next of kin of the deceased,
indicating your bank account number and location
wherein the money will be remitted. Upon receipt of
your acknowledgement indicating your interest, I will
send to you the text of the application that you will
send to the Union Bank authority for an approval to
submit your claims.
Send your reply through my direct and private email
address indicate your direct
Fax and telephone numbers for effective communication
that this transaction needs. Do not reply through the
union bank email address because it belongs to the
senior staffs for public use.
Please note that you are not to appear in person, as
every thing regarding this project will be strictly on
documentations and every banking documents needed for
this transaction will be taken care of by my self.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully
Mal wieder was Neues. Diesmal auf Deutsch.
Geil, wieder 30 Mio USD verdient....
Sehr geehrte Damen/Herren,
Mein Name ist Herrn Daniel Collins und ich bin ein Unternehmens- berater, der in England, Großbritannien lebt. Ein Klientin von mir aus einem afrikanischen Land setzte sich mit mir, mit einem Geschaft Vorschlag. Ich soll Kontakt mit Ihnen herstellen und ihr Angebot festsetzen,wenn Ihr Interesse echt ist, da werde Ihre Kontodetails befragt, auf denen die Summe von $15,600.000.00 USD (fünfzehn Millionen sechshundert thousaud US dollars) übertragen wird. Mein Klientin ist die einzige Tochter von ein ehemalig afrikanischen Minister der in eine Krankenhaus in Deutschland sterbe. Jetzt ist das ganze Kapital für sie verlassen worden, weil sie das einzige Kind ist und das Kapital ist jetzt in einer Sicherheits- gesellschaft. Mein Klientin will das Kapital nur in einem deutschen Person-Bankkonto (Private oder Gesellschaft) übertragt wird, wegen ihres Glaubens an deutsche Leute und persönliche Gründe. Lassen Sie mich deutlich hier feststellen, dass das Bankkonto, das Sie versorgen werden, das Sie braucht kein Kapital darin und das Bankkonto soll nur aktiv sein und im Stande sein muss, diese Art des Kapitals zu erhalten. Wir haben entschieden, dass für Ihre Hilfe Sie 20 % nach der Über- tragung behalten können, und mein Klientin erwartet, Sie diese Sache mit der höchsten Geheimhaltung und Vertraulichkeit behandeln. So, wenn ich von Ihnen innerhalb von drei Tagen nicht höre, werde ich annehmen, dass Sie sich nicht interessieren, und ich werde um einen neuen Partner dringend bitten, aber wenn Sie sich interessieren, e-Mail mir Bescheid. E-Mail uns Ihr Telefon und Fax nummern, so wir mit Ihnen kommunizieren können. Wir werden Ihnen besser erklären, nach wie Ihrer Telefonnummer bekommen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Herrn Daniel Collins.
Ähhh, Percy - wenn du die 30 Millionen hast, schenkst Du mir dann eine bescheidene Stahl-Rolex? Bidde.
tztztz...und ihr blöden geht jeden tag ackern :D :D :D :D :D :D
...und manche auch noch wie blöde... :D
Wow, auf Deutsch hat mir das auch noch keiner gemailt.
Aber vor ca 15 Jahren, als email noch nicht so verbreitet war, habe ich diese Schreiben sogar per Post aus Afrika in die Firma bekommen.
Die erste Zeile der Anschrift auf dem Umschlag lautete immer:
The President of... dann Name&Anschrift meiner Firma.
Boah. Fühlte ich mich geehrt :D
ehemaliges mitglied
18.06.2004, 23:04
immerhin hat er mir vor 1 Woche in Dubai die 16200 geschenkt :D
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