Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Height of Seadweller, Sub and Gmt?
Can someone tell me the height of the modern Seadweller, Sub and GMT? As I know they all have different height.
Could someone take a wrist-shot of these watches (from "crown"-side), so they can be compared?
Thanks in advance :gut:
21.10.2005, 19:32
Which GMT ?
Original von GeorgB
Hier noch mal ein paar Daten:
Wenn mann die Höhe der Uhr misst - also zwischen Boden und Glasoberfläche - ist die 16700 spürbar am flachsten.
Submariner Date (16610) - 1,28 cm
GMT Master II (16710) - 1,28 cm (!)
GMT Master II (16760) - 1,28 cm (!)
GMT Master (16700) - 1,18 cm
GMT Master (16750) Plexi - 1,30 cm
GMT Master (1675) Plexi - 1,30 cm
GMT Master (1675 thin case) Plexi - 1,27 cm
GMT Master (6542) Plexi - 1,27 cm
Sorry - Gmt II ;)
Is there someone who will snap some pictures? :gut:
Best Regards,
Original von THX_Ultra
Which GMT ?
Original von GeorgB
Submariner Date (16610) - 1,28 cm
GMT Master II (16710) - 1,28 cm (!)
Jetzt echt??
There should be a different height between all of them because of diffent crystals, casebacks etc. True, the case is quite the same but not the total picture - and that is why I want to compare them ;)
22.10.2005, 02:16
Hallo liebe Gemeinde,
habe gerade keine Schieblehre oder so zur Hand, also zum Selbstversuch:
Links die SubDate, Ref. 16610, Y- Modell aus 2003,
rechts die GMT II, Ref. 16710, ebenfalls y- Modell aus 2003.
Beide Uhren liegen plan mit dem Gehäuseboden auf der grünen Schachtel- seht selbst, oder ist es perspektivische Verzerrung?
Für mich jedenfalls erscheint die Sub geringfügig dicker zu sein. 8o
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thanks Claus ! ;) - nice shots :gut:
To me the Sub is higher than the GMT II. Then, the greatest difference is probably betw. the GMT II ans the SD then =)
I have a friend who is going to buy a new watch - but cannot decide between these models. He has quite a small wrist so I told him to bear in mind that the watches has different heights. The SD could be too "heavy" to him :rolleyes:
The pics tell us to be a little aware ;)
Best Regards,
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