Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Does a SD work on a small wrist?

12.01.2006, 21:53

If you have a small wrist - what do you choose: The SD, Sub or GMT II ?

I'll say the SD because of the small diameter of the dial. The Sub and GMTII looks bigger because of the relatively bigger diameter of the dial and the cyclop.

What do you say? ;) (eventually combined with some pics :gut:)



ehemaliges mitglied
12.01.2006, 21:55
Just take al look at my wrist and decide...

Everyday watch: SD, Sub or GMTII ? (http://www.r-l-x.de/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=24233&sid=)

12.01.2006, 21:59
GMT II. Es ist dünner und die Krone ist kleiner.


GMT II. It is thinner and the crown is smaller.

ehemaliges mitglied
13.01.2006, 09:19
My wrist is also very small and I wear a SD for about 13 years. It works ! Nowadays I would even prefere a EX 1.