Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Difference between 16800 and 16610

jan klaas
28.02.2006, 23:45
my name is jan klaas from amsterdam holland and i'm new here,
my question is,is there any difference in the size/hight between the case of a 168000 and a 16610 ?.
is there a difference in the diameter of the glass between these two watches? like there is a 1mm difference between the seadweller and submariner/date ,the one's you can buy now a day.
is there a difference in hight of the space between the dail and the glass of the 168000 and the 16610?
gr jan klaas.

28.02.2006, 23:47
Original von jan klaas
my name is jan klaas from amsterdam holland and i'm new here,
my question is,is there any difference in the size/hight between the case of a 168000 and a 16610 ?.
is there a difference in the diameter of the glass between these two watches? like there is a 1mm difference between the seadweller and submariner/date ,the one's you can buy now a day.
is there a difference in hight of the space between the dail and the glass of the 168000 and the 16610?
gr jan klaas.

...bist glaube ich hier im Thread verrutscht?! 8o

jan klaas
28.02.2006, 23:56

28.02.2006, 23:59
Hi Jan,

you are in the wrong thread. I guess it would be great if it is possible that you start a new thread.

jan klaas
01.03.2006, 15:31
hallo 'first time on the forum hallo everyone!
my question ; is there any difference in size of the watchcase between a 168000 and a 16610. what i want to know is there difference in size of the diameter of the glass and difference in size of the space between the dail and the glass of the 168000 and the 16610.
thanks gr jan klaas.

jan klaas
01.03.2006, 16:39
hallo again
a have the same questions about the difference between a 16800 and a 16610.
thanks and gr jan klaas.