Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Photobucket - Statement der Betreiber

16.06.2004, 15:36
Hab das mal rauskopiert, Photobucket hat wohl in den letzten Tagen Serverprobleme, aber sie arbeiten daran.
Immerhin Photobucket ist GRATIS und dafür ist die Leistung schon hervorragend.

Aber hier das Originalstatement vom Betreiber

I regret to inform you that it has happened again. We have probably lost a lot of faith in our users by know. Please hang in there. I am still committed to making this work. I'll keep you updated



Ok, I have slowly remounted all of the filesystems in read-write mode. I am literally going to sit here all day and watch for anything wierd in the error logs. Everyones album should be acting normal right now. The part that bugs me most about this is that I can't duplicate what happened last night. Lets all keep our fingers crossed.

To those of you that support this site and all of the hard work behind it.... THANK YOU!

If your very upset ( which is fine ) and hate photobucket now, maybe this site isn't for you. We rarely have problems but when it rains it pours. We put a great amount of time and money into this site in order to provide it to you. But its not always perfect as nothing is. However, we will ALWAYS be here to take care of our customers.

Oh yeah, and its FREE! Beat that with a stick ;-)


Well, morning is here and we are still working on one of our nfs servers. You'll notice the pictures are back but many people will be unable to update their account. We want to keep the filesystem in readonly mode until we have a permanent solution. Writing to it could risk data loss or corruption. As always, I will update you on the status.



Around 10:00 PM MST Last night, one of our master disk arrays started getting disk errors. We have been working on this problem all night. To try and avoid any data loss or corruption, we must do disk checks on each partitition. These disk arrays are very large and are taking hours to run the checks on. We cannot bring much of the site back online until this completes. We are frustrated, tired and very sorry this has happened. We will update you on any progress.


16.06.2004, 15:39
Danke Michael, für die Mühe.
Steht das irgendwo auf deren Seite oder wo hast du das her???
Habe diesbezüglich nämlich nichts gefunden.

16.06.2004, 15:42
Hast Du photobucket schon schon was gespendet, Michael????

16.06.2004, 15:44
10 Euro ;)

Gute Ideen supporte ich gerne und ich finde Photobucket von der Usability her sehr sehr gut.
@Richie das steht im Photobucket Forum.