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04.07.2006, 18:01


04.07.2006, 18:03
In der Tat eine schwierige Entscheidung, John. ;) Sehr schönes Foto! =)

04.07.2006, 18:04
gar nicht so schwer... die patek ist doch eine liga drüber :cool:

04.07.2006, 18:10
schönes Bild. Ich würd troztdem zur Rolli tendieren...

04.07.2006, 18:30
Da würde ich die PP nehmen :gut:

ehemaliges mitglied
04.07.2006, 18:32
Kommt auf die Gelegenheit an....beide schön!

04.07.2006, 18:32
Thanks guys - but remember, I don't speak or read German. :]

04.07.2006, 18:50
Ohne wenn und aber die PP!

04.07.2006, 18:55
generell ziehe ich rolli vor, aber bei dieser auswahl würd ich PP nehmen.

aber bei dem, was die PP kosten wird, kannst ja die R noch schnell dazunehmen, fällt ja dann nimma auf :D

Peter 5513
04.07.2006, 19:18
John B.: What a question. There's only one watch on the picture worth to wear...the PP (Pee Pee - sounds odd in English :D)

That duotone watch...a souvenir from another age...that's 80s...Miami Vice....

Best regards,


04.07.2006, 19:19
Ganz klar: PP :gut: :gut: :gut: :gut:

04.07.2006, 19:41
ich würde das ganze nochmal überdenken.
es gibt noch andere Alternativen

ehemaliges mitglied
05.07.2006, 07:56

Most of the members are not reading anything before they post something. Or probably they are just unable to post in English.
Or they are just disrespecting foreign people.

I would prefer the PP, because if it must be gold, then not in combination with steel.


05.07.2006, 08:20
Original von Penzes

Most of the members are not reading anything before they post something. Or probably they are just unable to post in English.
Or they are just disrespecting foreign people.


Ungerechtfertigte Verallgemeinerung. 8o

05.07.2006, 08:28
The Design of PP is much more lovely, but anyhow the Rolex is prefered,

Rgds John

05.07.2006, 08:45
I personally do not believe that the members of this forum are disrespecting foreign people. I think such an attitude is completely wrong on this place.

John /Thailand :cool:

05.07.2006, 08:47
Hi John,

turn left. Take the PP.

05.07.2006, 08:48
I would choose the PP. Few days ago I've talked somebody (he wanted to sell a Rolex for me), he said "...money can earn anybody, but Rolex not everybody...". I would say in this context "...Rolex can earn anybody, but PP not everybody...". Because of this post, I hope the MODS will not eleminate me from the R-L-X Forum! http://www.r-l-x.de/wbb2/images//smilies/biggrin.gif
Good Luck!

05.07.2006, 08:48
Original von Penzes

Most of the members are not reading anything before they post something. Or probably they are just unable to post in English.
Or they are just disrespecting foreign people.

I would prefer the PP, because if it must be gold, then not in combination with steel.


05.07.2006, 08:52
mir stellt sich die Frage nicht... :D

05.07.2006, 09:04
the patek is a step above the rolex in this case. both are fine.
rolex for casual,cabrio and sports. patek for dinner and opera :D;)

05.07.2006, 19:18
Die Patek ist eindeutig schöner.

05.07.2006, 19:31
Original von chris01
the patek is a step above the rolex in this case. both are fine.
rolex for casual,cabrio and sports. patek for dinner and opera :D;)

Thats OK I think...
But I would prefer the Rolex...

05.07.2006, 19:34
Bei dem hässlichen Blatt der Rolex würde ich ich auch die Patek nehmen.

05.07.2006, 23:19
Klasse Uhren , recht finde ich doch etwas bessér!

06.07.2006, 00:07
Though this is a Rolex Board - I think it is an easy choice. The Patek!

Nice pic by the way :gut:

06.07.2006, 13:30
schwere Frage ....

aber die PP in GG ist nicht mein Ding .. ;(

06.07.2006, 14:19
The left one, the PP :gut:

06.07.2006, 14:24
The Patek, John, but not the 1968 :D :D

06.07.2006, 14:32
I have an observation after years of "watching", and I mean this only in a good way. The "best" watch is the watch that suits your own individual needs. Period.

It has nothing to do with price, features or any of the endless technobable spewed around on all sort of sites and forums. I've watched with great amusement how people literally anguish over what watch is "the best watch". They literally spend weeks, sometimes months, wavering back and forth. They hone in on a final choice, only to read a post or two slamming that choice or praising something else, and then the person is right back where he/she started agonizing all over again!

My advice is to simply choose a decently reviewed watch that fits you well, rather than languishing around all these web sites and forums getting caught up in everyone else's "mania" over having to get "the best watch". Don't get me wrong, these sites/forums are a great source of basic information indeed. I refer to and use them myself. However, it's sad to see so many anguishing for days, weeks and months over what to get!

The joy of a nice watch is in wearing the one which you yourself prefer and which fits you well, ... not in the selection of any theoretical "best watch". So the best thing to do is to grab the watch one personally prefers . . . and to return to the joy of wearing a nice timepiece !!!

... of course as long as said timepiece is a Rolex... :D

06.07.2006, 14:41
It's never been this easy. Although it's not my favourite Patek, it still easily wins over the Rolex ;)

06.07.2006, 15:52
nix da R O L E X nehmen ist doch klar !!!!!!

oder sind wir hier in nem P P forum???

gruss ( und nehms nicht zu ernst..... sind beide schoen... )