Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : #1016 Explorer from 1985...anybody has caseback pictures?

10.08.2006, 18:12
I was presented with a very nice 1016 Explorer from 1985 today. Complete with Danish papers from AD in 1985. However the caseback had some odd, however even, drill tracks on the caseback. Can anybody with a late 1016 show me pictures of their caseback? Much appreciated.

10.08.2006, 18:15
Ich spreche Deutsch !

10.08.2006, 19:23
Original von rosédaydate
Ich spreche Deutsch !

klappe, du dödel !!!

hi haagen my friend,

have you looked in the gallery? anyway, i am sure somebody will post a scan soon ...
from me, a BIGGEST CONGRATS !!!!!! still a big 1016 and 1655 fan ... ;)

10.08.2006, 19:36
klappe, du dödel !!!

well said.

10.08.2006, 19:49
Original von rosédaydate
Ich spreche Deutsch !

8o 8o

Absolut unpassende Antwort.

10.08.2006, 19:59
Original von Smile

Original von rosédaydate
Ich spreche Deutsch !

klappe, du dödel !!!


If necessary we switch to English!

10.08.2006, 20:27
It's not the requested year but I think they didn't change it much:

http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/8805/1016casebackji9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Sorry for the bad quality scan.

10.08.2006, 20:30
haagen, how does your case back look like? Do you have pictures?

10.08.2006, 20:41
Original von rosédaydate
Ich spreche Deutsch !


Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein !!!!

10.08.2006, 20:52
...wirrr schicken einen Waggon Knäggebrrroot an die Frrront :rolleyes:

lg Pauki

@rosédaydate: Es soll gute Englischkurse geben... ?(

10.08.2006, 21:36
Original von rosédaydate
Ich spreche Deutsch ! :stupid: :stupid:

Absolutes NO GO!
Von mir persönlich gibts dafür die rote Karte.

10.08.2006, 21:56
Original von rosédaydate
Ich spreche Deutsch !

Scho a bisserl peinlich...

10.08.2006, 22:20
ihr habt Recht, aber gut jetzt .. ;)

10.08.2006, 22:33
...is there a slight drilling track between the caseback and end pieces from the bracelet on your 1016?

ehemaliges mitglied
11.08.2006, 09:32
und für rosédaydate:

gibt es eine geringfügige bohrenschiene zwischen dem caseback und den Abschlußstücken vom Bracelet auf Ihrem 1016....

Thnx AltaVista Babel Fish ;)


11.08.2006, 10:25
Original von Penzes
und für rosédaydate:

gibt es eine geringfügige bohrenschiene zwischen dem caseback und den Abschlußstücken vom Bracelet auf Ihrem 1016....

Thnx AltaVista Babel Fish ;)


:gut: :gut:

11.08.2006, 10:50
Original von Hªªgen
...is there a slight drilling track between the caseback and end pieces from the bracelet on your 1016?

Yes, it is =)

http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/3776/1016caseback2yz5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

12.08.2006, 00:30
I have never noticed these marks before. Your picture confirms the authenticity of the case. I appreciate your great help.

12.08.2006, 09:25
Quite interesting ... thanks for the pic, Arndt!

This is my 1016 from 1969 ... I have never noticed this before ...

sorry for the "quick and dirty" pics :oops:

... anyone else with other models? :rolleyes:

13.08.2006, 00:07
My sincerest appologies if English is considered "bad mouthing" to certain members on this forum, I have not experienced this response before. I did not know that my posts would be considered a nousance to some of the users, however my German skills are less than acceptable and I presumed English would be the preferred communitative language.

Thanx all for showing interest and not the least knowledge. I truely appreciate this as these drillings were news to me. Thank you.knowledge

13.08.2006, 00:46
Original von Hªªgen
My sincerest appologies if English is considered "bad mouthing" to certain members on this forum, I have not experienced this response before. I did not know that my posts would be considered a nousance to some of the users, however my German skills are less than acceptable and I presumed English would be the preferred communitative language.

Thanx all for showing interest and not the least knowledge. I truely appreciate this as these drillings were news to me. Thank you.knowledge

Hey K! Good to see you around, mate! Please excuse the bad manners of some guys! See you at the Oktoberfest!

13.08.2006, 06:54
yes, thx diego !!

Haagen, old friend !!! every place has its wankers ... but most guys here are fantastic !!!
all the best to you !!


13.08.2006, 07:33
Original von Hªªgen
Thanx all for showing interest and not the least knowledge.

Now THAT is bad mouthing ... but you're still welcome :D :D :D ;)