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23.12.2006, 10:30
Hi Friends,

What is a fair price for a Zenith Daytona 16520 A-series with SEL bracelet - box/papers included?

Do you think the prices of Zeniths is going to increase in the coming years?

Merry Christmas,


ehemaliges mitglied
23.12.2006, 10:40
in my opinion you must spend 7500,- euro or more

23.12.2006, 10:46
Original von natafrese
in my opinion you must spend 7500,- euro or more


23.12.2006, 10:56
I have seen a few 16520 in the last 2 months, also some 116520. For a good 16520, there is an 8 in front normal. A 7 plus is just history. Tendency is 8,5 with papers and box.

23.12.2006, 11:48
For a used one about 7.500,-- depending of the condition. For an NOS it´s from 8.000,-- and more with open end.
I´m quite sure that the price for the zenith will increase the next years because there´s only a definded amount in circulation.

23.12.2006, 14:03
Original von paddy
For a used one about 7.500,-- depending of the condition. For an NOS it´s from 8.000,-- and more with open end.

that's wishful thinking :D

a decent complete A series is 8k+, NOS you'll be easily at 12k.

Prices have increased alllready, still will continue to do so.

An A-Series ist still a very cheap vintage..think about a 1665 oder 1655 with b+p

All price quotes in € of course

23.12.2006, 18:13
Original von maki001

Original von natafrese
in my opinion you must spend 7500,- euro or more


even more ... :D

ehemaliges mitglied
23.12.2006, 21:25
Original von Reg

Original von maki001

Original von natafrese
in my opinion you must spend 7500,- euro or more


even more ... :D

much more, I think that 9 could be reasonable, if the watch is nice.... ;)
If the watch is NOS, we are talking about more, much much more......


23.12.2006, 21:35
Original von Mawal
... NOS you'll be easily at 12k.

:D very good to hear that...

23.12.2006, 21:39
Original von Jouissance

Original von Mawal
... NOS you'll be easily at 12k.

:D very good to hear that...

... in three years, or later. 12 K is to much for the present. ;)

23.12.2006, 21:42
Original von joo

Original von Jouissance

Original von Mawal
... NOS you'll be easily at 12k.

:D very good to hear that...

... in three years, or later. 12 K is to much for the present. ;)

well, time will tell... maybe in some 25 years from now, my 16520-A will strongly support my retirement funds... :D

23.12.2006, 21:46
I hope so for you :D

Nobody can say anyting for the future, especially if you see the prices for the 1665 und 1680. ;)

23.12.2006, 21:52
Original von joo
Nobody can say anyting for the future, especially if you see the prices for the 1665 und 1680. ;)

that's so true...

23.12.2006, 23:01
Original von Jouissance
well, time will tell... maybe in some 25 years from now, my 16520-A will strongly support my retirement funds... :D


23.12.2006, 23:54
Oh Schei*e, sind die wunderschön Hannes. :gut: :D

24.12.2006, 11:09
Original von joo
Oh Schei*e, sind die wunderschön Hannes.

Da kann ich mich nur anschließen. Glückwunsch ! :D

24.12.2006, 11:35
Original von joo
Oh Schei*e, sind die wunderschön Hannes. :gut: :D

Jep. In Natura haben Sie mich umgehauen... :gut:

24.12.2006, 11:46
Original von Mawal

Original von paddy
For a used one about 7.500,-- depending of the condition. For an NOS it´s from 8.000,-- and more with open end.
that's wishful thinking :D
a decent complete A series is 8k+, NOS you'll be easily at 12k.
Nothing else I said.

But it depends of the source. A friend of mine recently bought a NOS A-series for clearly under 8K. ;)

24.12.2006, 11:47
wirklich sehr schön die beiden daytonas

25.12.2006, 10:41
der aktuelle Marktpreis für NOS A-Serie: 9,8k €

A-Serie NOS aus der Bucht (http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300061462678&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=020)

25.12.2006, 11:30
- 9,8 K Euro....I thougt even more for a NOS A-series. A good condition must be around 8,8 K then.....

I like this version cause it combines the old and new. But I guess you can argue the same way for the early versions of it. The one with the pre - 78390 bracelet without polished centerlinks.....

Concerning investment/"price increasing" I think none of the versions of the 16520 is better than others - except the white prinzess. The same way you can argue for 62XX - if it wasn't for Paul Newman wearing one.....



25.12.2006, 11:31
Original von Mawal
der aktuelle Marktpreis für NOS A-Serie: 9,8k €

A-Serie NOS aus der Bucht (http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300061462678&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=020)

Thanks.. :D

25.12.2006, 12:03
1 year ago I was watching out for a 16520 (white dial, A-series if possible). A well known dealer in Zürich (timeless gallery) told me it´s no problem to get one immediately since he has 20 NOS-type in his safe sleeping there since year 2000. His intention is to wait some more years before selling them to a good price. He expects a price of 30k Swiss Franc (approx. 20k Euro) in a few years ! Therefore he offered me one BUT ONLY for the future price !?! So for 20k Euro I could have bought one...

I don´t know if he was thinking I´m a complete idiot with whom to make some quick & easy money or if he was telling the truth and really has 20 NOS bunkered in his safe.

Best regards & Merry Xmas
Rüsselkäfer ("beak-beetle")

25.12.2006, 19:51
Dear All,

Besides the A-series how much do the prices vary between the different types of 16520'ies?

Is it only the late A-series and the white prinzess there is an investment object?



25.12.2006, 20:46
Original von rüsselkäfer
Therefore he offered me one BUT ONLY for the future price !?! So for 20k Euro I could have bought one...

I don´t know if he was thinking I´m a complete idiot with whom to make some quick & easy money or if he was telling the truth and really has 20 NOS bunkered in his safe.

sure thing... http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/a045.gif

28.12.2006, 02:06
... I think the price for the A-Series 16520 is going over 10 K in the next two years...

Great Watch... My Favorite !!!

28.12.2006, 08:50
Original von Doppelrot1665
... I think the price for the A-Series 16520 is going over 10 K in the next two years...

10k only? Time will tell.... :D

28.12.2006, 17:58
hier ist eine um 8,3K


28.12.2006, 17:59
Original von karli
hier ist eine um 8,3K


Ist keine aus der A-Serie.

29.12.2006, 09:14
Original von market-research

Original von karli
hier ist eine um 8,3K


Ist keine aus der A-Serie.

1997, kein SEL, Tritium und T9525XX ... ja, ist bestimmt keine A-Serie! :D

29.12.2006, 09:33
Original von Reg

Original von market-research

Original von karli
hier ist eine um 8,3K


Ist keine aus der A-Serie.

1997, kein SEL, Tritium und T9525XX ... ja, ist bestimmt keine A-Serie! :D

yep, und eine Uhr mit "very small signs of wearing" als NOS zu deklarieren halte ich für frech.... :rolleyes: =( :weg:

29.12.2006, 10:02
Original von Mawal

Original von Reg

Original von market-research

Original von karli
hier ist eine um 8,3K


Ist keine aus der A-Serie.

1997, kein SEL, Tritium und T9525XX ... ja, ist bestimmt keine A-Serie! :D

yep, und eine Uhr mit "very small signs of wearing" als NOS zu deklarieren halte ich für frech.... :rolleyes: =( :weg:

Allerdings ... NOS sollte man imho NUR zu den "nachweislich" (z.B noch verklebt) ungetragenen sagen.

29.12.2006, 10:49
Original von karli
hier ist eine um 8,3K


weder NOS noch A-Serie.

aber zu dem link weiter oben :

A-Serie NOS aus der Bucht (http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300061462678&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=020)

was mich persönlich abgehalten hätte wären die zum teil echt merkwürdigen antworten des verkäufers, wie seht ihr das...?