Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Thanks Ralph and Hannes>>>>>>>

25.09.2004, 12:42
I just visit that auction where the seller have use my
tutorial link as you have notice.


Now itīs gone after I send the seller this mail:

"I have look at your "Rote Lünette" auction at Ebay and
I can see you are linked to my work (bezel change)
without my permission. I believe you will missleading
your customers with that tutorial because that tutorial
are based on a genuine Rolex watch not that crap you
are trying to sell. Will you please remove my link
because I donīt will be a part of your ripoff. If you
donīt remove my link I will start to do something
about it and maybe it will ends with you are kicked
out from Ebay. So please show your guts and put down
your auction."

That was great the seller doing some auction and
I hope now maybe he ask before he do that thing
next time. The sad thing is, the fake auction is still


25.09.2004, 12:47
What can you do...

Thatīs eBay :evil:

25.09.2004, 14:18
Hi Jocke,

the reference I gave to you gladly, gladly-happen!

The salesman has the linking on yours mail removed.
So target to be. :)) :))

best regards,