Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : TRAVEL REPORT: The 2007 MotoGP US Grand Prix, Part I

24.07.2007, 15:33
Hey guys!

I just got back this evening from Monterey, CA. Here's part I of my Travel Report. Look for photos from the race in part II coming tomorrow! :supercool:


As always, reply to this thread with your comments! :dr:

24.07.2007, 15:42
Did you win the lottery? 8o

All you do is travel......

Just kidding ;)

Thanks for sharing.

24.07.2007, 16:09
Great Pictures, John. Thanks for sharing!!!

24.07.2007, 18:28
great pictures!

the 18th tee seems to dangerous for me. one wrong step and downstairs it goes ... :D

24.07.2007, 18:47
=( No pics of corkscrew-corner??? =(

ehemaliges mitglied
24.07.2007, 19:39
Just got a postcard from the brickyard in Indianapolis. I can order tickets for the MotoGP 2008 there. We went there twice for F1 an i have a account number.

Should i stay or should i go? :grb:

25.07.2007, 12:18
Originally posted by Hannes
Did you win the lottery? 8o

All you do is travel......

Just kidding ;)

Thanks for sharing.

Nawww...if I did that, I'd buy a Mercedes, a Porsche, and and new stainless GMT. :tongue:

25.07.2007, 12:20
Originally posted by Toppits
Just got a postcard from the brickyard in Indianapolis. I can order tickets for the MotoGP 2008 there. We went there twice for F1 an i have a account number.

Should i stay or should i go? :grb:

I'm definitely going! Indy is within easy driving distance of me in Ohio. :supercool:

25.07.2007, 16:03
marvellous report! thanks for sharing :gut:

and this is a really beatiful place


25.07.2007, 19:21
Originally posted by Flojo74
marvellous report! thanks for sharing :gut:

and this is a really beatiful place

One of my favorite places in the whole world! :gut:

25.07.2007, 19:26
Wie immer klasse :]