Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : REVIEW: The Rolex Day-Date "Presidential"

14.02.2008, 02:19
Just finished up this review - enjoy!


14.02.2008, 02:38
After buying my first DD i was addicted to this watch in between three days.
So your documentation was real fun and a mirror of my thoughts concerning the Size.

36mm is enough, if it is a DD.

Thanks for sharing.

14.02.2008, 03:31
very nice review and great pictures, i'm also a true dd lover and currently looking for a wg version so your review was very helpfull and a nice read!

14.02.2008, 03:40
Thanks guys! Glad you liked it and found it useful! I don't believe there is a whole lot out there written about the Day-Date either online or in print.

14.02.2008, 04:36
Hi John,

great article. I always like reading your articles because even though you try to be objective you can't hide your enthusiasm with respect to the watches.

14.02.2008, 05:42
Nice article :gut: Thanks a lot =)

14.02.2008, 06:57
Hi John
Pls write german cause this is the german forum ;)
Wholehearted:i enjoyed your article very much especially
"But the closer I get to the magic four..."...i ´can confirm this :gut:
Grettings from Vienna

14.02.2008, 09:36
Hey John, great written and a reallllly stunning watch :gut:

14.02.2008, 09:37
excellent review :verneig: and it just adds to my desire of finally goingout and buying one ....

14.02.2008, 09:56
Original von buchfuchs1
After buying my first DD i was addicted to this watch in between three days.
So your documentation was real fun and a mirror of my thoughts concerning the Size.

36mm is enough, if it is a DD.

Thanks for sharing.

36mm is always enough :supercool:

In addition please refer or switch over to the English forum. Thank you and
thank you John!

14.02.2008, 09:58
thx john, nice review - DD's are for ever :gut:



14.02.2008, 10:06
Excellent review, thanks.

14.02.2008, 10:12
Original von hoppenstedt

Original von buchfuchs1
After buying my first DD i was addicted to this watch in between three days.
So your documentation was real fun and a mirror of my thoughts concerning the Size.

36mm is enough, if it is a DD.

Thanks for sharing.

36mm is always enough :supercool:

In addition please refer or switch over to the English forum. Thank you and
thank you John!

John hat denselben Artikel folgerichtig ins englische Forum gestellt. Weiter unten.

14.02.2008, 10:17
Echt? :rolleyes:

Er hat den Beitrag zeitgleich in beide Foren eingestellt.

14.02.2008, 10:21
Sach ich doch. Es ist derselbe Artikel. Ein Versehen vermutlich. John schreibt doch eigentlich immer im englischen Forum und moderiert es ja auch. Deshalb mein Hinweis.

14.02.2008, 10:25
Es war ja schon spät..... ;)

14.02.2008, 10:32
Interessant zu lesen. Danke.

14.02.2008, 12:27
Originally posted by simon
Hi John,

great article. I always like reading your articles because even though you try to be objective you can't hide your enthusiasm with respect to the watches.

Thanks much...that's what I try for...objective, but not boring! :gut:

14.02.2008, 12:29
Originally posted by Peter65
Hi John
Pls write german cause this is the german forum ;)
Wholehearted:i enjoyed your article very much especially
"But the closer I get to the magic four..."...i ´can confirm this :gut:
Grettings from Vienna

Peter - as my signature indicates, I don't speak, read, or write German. I posted the reveiw in the English Forum, but folks in this forum seem to appreciate my reviews on this forum even if they are in English. :]

14.02.2008, 12:37
great review, John, thanks for sharing!