Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Truth or dare..... meet the challenge!!

07.06.2008, 19:05
Well guy's..... Saturday afternoon..... bad weather.... Rolex-world not on a high right now... well a bit boring.....

Let's play a game.... join in!!!!!!

Truth or dare!!!! Tell us your biggest secret or meet the challenge of an special picture....

Answer the question below.... or show us a image of you wearing a Rolex and a......... dress ))))))
Truth.... or.... dare!!!!

The questions...:

1. Was you first Rolex bought from the guy at the beach... so did you show off with a fake before getting the real thing ?

2. Did you change a dial on a watch, to get an more expansive package (with added papers, mtr's first redsub dial on 3 mil. number ;-...) ?

3. Did you sell a Mayer-dial as an original Rolex Newman watch ?

4. Did you know John Mayer before the dial was on the forums ?

5. What storey did you tell your wife/girl/mam when you bought your first 10K+ Rolex...?

6. Would you sell your mother in law to get a Comex (5514) ?

7. Is this really your Porsche or only borrowed it from the dealer for a photo-shoot for the forum ?

8. Are you sleeping in a Rolex pyjama ?

9. Which was your best 'the watch is crap'-storey to get a watch >cheap< from the former owner ?

10. What is your biggest watching-secret... you never wanted to share?????????????????

Truth or dare.... answer or dress-up for the picture!!!!

Let's have a party guy's!!!


07.06.2008, 20:36
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. I didn't, yet :D
6. Sure, the 5514 is too old to keep it. :twisted:
7. It's only borrowed. X(
8. of course! :D
9. I don't lie. (And I never drink or smoke :D)
10. The X73k is not karli's, it's also only borrowed :rofl:

07.06.2008, 20:38
Original von miwa
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. I didn't, yet :D
6. Sure, the 5514 is too old to keep it. :twisted:
7. It's only borrowed. X(
8. of course! :D
9. I don't lie. (And I never drink or smoke :D)
10. The X73k is not karli's, it's also only borrowed :rofl:

:supercool: :D :rofl:

07.06.2008, 20:40
1. No, never. really :D

2. No, although I always fancied a serti-Dial in a sub

3. No, never had any of both

4. No

5. Honey, it's not what you think :D

6. No, not for a 5514. But chip in a Pt DD and I'll even ship her for free.

7. I own every car I took pictures of

8. No, but I do own a super-ridiculous Rolex-Bath robe.

9. All my sellers were pros - no chance to fool anyone ;(

10. I sniped 2 watches on ebay that were up for discussion here (but I rewarded one threadstarter afterwards, the other one never knew, although he asked me via ebay whether the watch was genuine...)

07.06.2008, 21:13
Original von Donluigi

8. No, but I do own a super-ridiculous Rolex-Bath robe.

Dare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

08.06.2008, 09:33
1. YES! It was the one on the left 8o


2. No. I only changed for getting an more expensive look. :D


3. No.

4. My girlfriend told me he's in love with Jennifer Anniston, is he? :grb:

5. 10K+ USD? The Deepsea will be the first.

6. Still not married, otherwise, I'd had to dress-up now. :rofl:

7. Ok. Only borrowed for a photo shoot for this forum. =(


8. No, but where can I buy one?

9. No, I'm not cool enough. I begin to drool when I see a nice watch.

10. I sometimes wear a fake bezel on my 5513 :oops:
