Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Rolex Werke in China??????

16.09.2008, 11:06
Was hör ich jetzt van ein meiner Mitarbeiter?

Tut mir Leid ich gehe auf Englisch:

A employee of mine called a spare watch parts centre, here in Holland.
They were talking about Rolex and the watch parts centre told him all the spare ROLEX parts are available easily, because ROLEX SA has GENUINE Manufactories in CHINA. I didn't/don't believe it, just fake blablabla, just becaus for one thing SWISS MADE means a lot.

What do you think? I don't believe this...

Mit freundliche Grüsse,


16.09.2008, 11:56
i dont think so :D

but on the other hand, there is nothing you won't get in China ;)



16.09.2008, 11:57
Sorry Robin but watch parts centre your employee called is either ill informed or - more likely - wants to trick somebody into buying aftermarket parts.

Genuine Parts as well as the watches are made in Switzerland - period!

Fred v Jupiter
16.09.2008, 12:15
Well, in the past this was called
LCC => LOW Cost Country. X(

Today they just call it
BCC => BEST Cost Country. :ka:

The name was changed, the rest remains the same, but now everything is excellent (especially the quality :weg: ).

I don't know if Rolex already made this step, but in my branch (car design work) this is daily business.

Guess, why I prefer an 18 year old swedish car for private use? :jump:

Regards, Uwe

16.09.2008, 12:55
Die haben eine komplette Fabrik gefaked...
8o 8o 8o


16.09.2008, 13:05
Thanx for the replies, I just called the service centre: They told me there are NO Rolex SA manufactories in China or Asia, BUT the dutch service centre buys the GENUINE ROLEX SWISS MADE PARTS from a opfficial Rolex AD in Macao/HongKong wherever...

Which means my employee misunderstood.:/

The parts are GENUINE but make a trip around the world so to speak:)


16.09.2008, 13:06
Die haben eine komplette Fabrik gefaked...
tja, das kommt halt davon wenn man betriebsbesichtigungen anbietet - da ist der asiate mit kamera nicht weit! :D

erinnert mich gerade an einen teil von police academy, wo sich auch ein asiate bewirbt und der ausbilder fragt "was willst du bei uns, das schnittmuster unserer baskenmützen kopieren?" :rofl: sorry war etwas ot, hehe...

16.09.2008, 13:07
Vielen Dank für die Antworte/Diskussion Leute:)

16.09.2008, 14:49
this man losts his job: fire him! :D

16.09.2008, 15:56
Ich denke nicht, dass die Schweizer Uhrenmanufakturen diesen Schritt nötig haben - eher wird der Preis angehoben...

16.09.2008, 16:32
Bunch of BS

16.09.2008, 16:50
Original von fleckinet
Die haben eine komplette Fabrik gefaked...
8o 8o 8o


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

16.09.2008, 20:01

Never ever I believe that Rolex is doing this due to the fact that the reputation losses are to big or to tremendous for their business.

Therefore I'm very sure that you will never get some spare parts from asia..

Best regards
