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10.11.2008, 15:10
Hallo zusammen,

da ich bei der Arbeit ständig mit diesen unsäglich schwarzen Plastikbombern zu tun habe, bin ich etwas angefixt :D

Hat denn jemand ein X300?

Wie sind denn eure Erfahrugen dazu? Ist der Lüfter laut?

Danke :jump:

10.11.2008, 15:34
sieh mal hier (http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=4281)

10.11.2008, 15:42
Danke Ulrich.

Der Satz

The fan located on the back left side of the X300 ran fairly frequently and at a constant rate.

macht mir etwas bedenken. Daher wäre es toll wenn jemand eine persönliche Erfahrung hätte.

Ich habe es einfach gerne still :D

10.11.2008, 16:47
dann wäre der Samsung Q310 (http://www.cyberport.de/default/2/0/0/0/index.omeco?EVENT=item&PHPSESSID=4be4f0d3beccea2141e5ba04197c5697&ARTICLEID=116076&GROUP=2&PARENT=0) eher was für dich...

Zitat von der gleichen Seite:

Heat and Noise
The fan in the laptop is inaudible. I initially thought the fan might have been broken when I turned the laptop on but fortunately I was wrong. The fan itself does come on occasionally but is the quietest laptop fan I have ever heard. Under load the fan is so quiet it's amazing that the temperatures don't sky rocket. The laptop itself is very cool under load. The GPU idles at 51C and after running stressful benchmarks for over half an hour it rose to 60C! And peaked at 65C when overclocked and extra 200MHz on the core! The exhaust of the laptop is on the left hand side and usually it emits a stream of warm air. It's only possible to feel this air when you put your hand right up against the vents. Under load, where the fan spins faster, a stream of warm air can be felt coming out of the exhaust. This was by no means hot or uncomfortable and I actually found it to be rather comforting . The palmrests remain very cool during use, however you may notice that the left side of the laptop is slightly warmer than the right side. However the difference is hard to notice.