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  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    OT. Hannes your computer mail bomb me>>>>>

    with some virus posts. I try to mail you and I have got
    5 virus mail today from you.

    I just will let you know and I have try to mail you.

    No problems here, I just kick out your mails until
    you have take control over your computer.

    I hope you will fix it and good luck.


  2. #2
    Administrator Avatar von PCS
    Registriert seit
    Jocke, I got the same problem for weeks now. It seems like someone,
    who has Hannes' e-mail address as well es yours and mine, maybe a user
    from tz or so, has a virus on his computer. These mails do not come
    from Hannes PC.

    Every evening, I am happy that Hannes sends me a mail and then - how
    disappointing - it's a virus.
    Gruß Percy

    "Ferner wird hier auch auf Ihrem Profil sehr viel Diversität benötigt."

  3. #3
    Very easy explanation.

    If a virus infects a pc (windows) with e.g. Outlook on it, it sends an email containing itself (the virus) from this pc to every address in the outlook address book. It does this with every address it finds in the outlook address book as "sending address".

    This means it will send (n=numbers of addresses in the address book) n*n mails containing itself. Maybe (n-1) * (n-1) if it does not send from the identical sender to the identical address.

    I hope this explains why you often get mails from trusted pc-users simply by a different pc where the trusted user's address is on file.

    Hope this explains it.

    Greetings Thomas
    Gruss Thomas

    "Honi suit qui mal y pense!"

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